Monday, December 1, 2008

Tips for the Holidays!

Tips for Making your Holiday Great!

When was the last time that you really had a great holiday? I mean really had a great holiday that was relaxing from start to finish – not just a great dinner party or leaving fresh baked cookies for Santa. Well were here to let you know that with just a little planning and organization, you can have a great, stress free holiday! Here are a few tips to get you started.

Make a budget on how much you really want to spend.
Unless you have more money than Donald Trump, it is easy for the holiday season to turn into a financial nightmare. 99% of stress can be eliminated by thinking ahead and making a budget. You don’t have to spend a lot this holiday season, just spend wisely.

Decide how much you are going to spend and please stick to it!
Going over budget is not going to make your family and friends love you any more than they already do. How many times have you charged expensive gifts then a year later you are still paying for them? This year, break the tradition by drawing names, sending some lovely cards, or make desserts for your friends and family.

Give yourself the gift of time. How about purchasing a few months of housekeeping, or errand service instead of buying your self clothes? Purchase a gift certificate from your favorite restaurant so you don’t have to cook. By freeing up some time you can really sit back and enjoy more time with family and friends.

Remember your priorities. Take time to enjoy your family and friends this holiday season! So this December will be stress free and full of holiday spirit with a little bit of advance planning.

Amelia Talford is an Event Planner and life strategist and owner of Last Minute Details Event Planning & Concierge. Who helps busy clients enjoy life a little more without the extra stress.
704 618.46.91